

Active Menu Planning

My husband was talking to his friend, and this friend told him that he and his wife were actively trying to save money on food. They decided that for the month of September they would only eat out on Friday and Saturday nights, and eat in and cook the rest of the week. Just by […]

By | October 6th, 2009|family, Finance, food|11 Comments

Wine Club: Spain

If we are looking at the silver lining of what has been going on in my life then we can look at one of the major things…and that is the fact that I can go back to enjoying wine. This past Monday the girls met for yet another wine club. I am very impressed that it […]

By | July 31st, 2009|food|1 Comment

Works For Me Wednesday: Weekly Meal Plans

  It’s Works for Me Wednesday over at We Are THAT Family and I am bringing to the table the idea of Meal Plans! Ok I know it’s not a novel idea, but it’s one that has really been working for me and I wanted to share it! The idea behind the meal plan is to […]

By | June 17th, 2009|family, food|3 Comments

Things I Love Thursday: Bubba Burgers!

It’s almost full blown summer time baby! This past weekends beautiful weather has me so excited about this upcoming summer, so in the spirit of summer and warm weather I think focusing on AMAZING burgers is a great thing for this weeks Things I Love Thursday on The Diaper Diaries blog! What are those AMAZING […]

By | May 28th, 2009|food|4 Comments