

Breastfeeding: Bye Bye Nursing Bras!

Being done with breastfeeding means many things to me. It means for the first time in over a year and a half I have my body back, it means my son no longer needs me to give him nutrition, and it means that I am both happy and sad it’s over. But of all the […]

By | December 21st, 2011|breastfeeding|0 Comments

Breastfeeding: The End

For about 5 months I was the sole provider of nutrition for my son. For over a year I held my son close to me so he could nurse at least once a day. It’s a bond between my son and I that no other person can duplicate. Breastfeeding has been an experience like none […]

By | December 6th, 2011|breastfeeding, First Year Reflection|1 Comment

Breastfeeding: The End is Near

With my little man’s first birthday quickly approaching, my days of breastfeeding are quickly nearing an end. I am still shocked that I’ve made it this far. I have reached my end goal! Could it really be true? Could I really have breastfed my son for a whole year? With me nearing the end I […]

By | November 28th, 2011|breastfeeding|2 Comments

Breastfeeding: The Home Stretch

When I began breastfeeding I never thought I could, or even want to make it the full year. I talked about it, toyed with the idea in my head, but if I am being honest I will admit that I thought I would stop around 6 months….9 months at the longest. Now, at 10 and […]

By | October 12th, 2011|breastfeeding|0 Comments

Breastfeeding: A Little Snag

If you asked me a few months ago I NEVER would’ve told you that I would panic over the thought of being done with breastfeeding. From day one I already had the end date in mind. Now, in the ninth month I wish I could tell myself how much easier it would get. That’s why […]

By | September 5th, 2011|breastfeeding|6 Comments