Monthly Archives: May 2013

Local Long Island: Drive It Home Show!

Thank you to the Allstate Foundation and National Safety Council for sponsoring this post. Check out Drive it Home, a website by and for parents, dedicated to keeping our teen drivers safe. Hey local readers, we all share the road, and if you are like me I am pretty much terrified every time I drive. […]

By | May 9th, 2013|Local Long Island|0 Comments


Christos Aneste! Christ is risen! Also meaning…Happy Easter! That is if you follow a different calendar than much of the Christian world like the Greeks! Many you have already celebrated Easter, and we did too. We did the Easter bunny thing, but last Sunday we celebrated again. My son will get TWO Easter’s from now on. Kind […]

By | May 7th, 2013|holidays|0 Comments