Monthly Archives: March 2011


Newborn Photoshoot: Mike Coppola Photography

I certainly must be having mommy brain because it seems that I totally forgot to blog about the newborn photo shoot that we had back in DECEMBER! Wow! I can’t believe I never shared that with you!? If I did write it, I can’t seem to find it…again totally having mommy brain. I actually feel […]

By | March 31st, 2011|reviews|1 Comment

Cause and Effect

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I have been blessed with a very good baby. Of course he has his good days and bad days, but overall he has a good disposition, and is a happy boy. Although most of the time this is wonderful, I have to admit that sometimes it […]

By | March 29th, 2011|motherhood|7 Comments

Reflection: First Pregnancy..and beyond

The other week a friend of mine asked me if I missed being pregnant. My first instinct was to answer NO, because I truly enjoy having my son in my life. But now that I have had a little time to reflect and think about it…I did truly enjoy being pregnant, and maybe sometimes I […]

By | March 24th, 2011|motherhood|8 Comments

Breastfeeding: A Day Away

Breastfeeding means that I am on call to my son 24/7. We’ve gotten into a good rhythm, and as much as it’s a pain in the butt sometimes…I actually do enjoy it. Most of the time I try to get home to feed him, but recently I have gotten better at being prepared while out […]

By | March 21st, 2011|breastfeeding|10 Comments