Monthly Archives: March 2009


Dog Park Days

With the weather taking it’s time getting warm, it is becoming more and more frustrating. I am just ready for spring already! This being said, at any hint of sunshine my husband and I like to hit up our new found place…a dog park! Dog Parks The ideas of “dog parks” are new to me. […]

By | March 30th, 2009|Activities|2 Comments

Love/Hate Relationship with Travel Agents

Just like everybody of my generation I love the Internet. It is extremely helpful in so many ways. There is a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips (except for mine since I am the worst Googler ever!), and it serves us instant gratification. What shouldn’t the Internet be used for? Travel arrangements*! There may be […]

By | March 25th, 2009|travel|10 Comments

Twilight Obsession

  My Twilight Obsession Yes, I know, I am like a thirteen your old girl when it comes to the Twilight series, but it comforts me to know that I am not the only one. Most females I encounter, with just one mention of Twilight begin to gush over the stories. I myself have read […]

By | March 23rd, 2009|Things I love|19 Comments

Non Iron Shirts

Since my husband and I bought our own place, my job has been to do the dry cleaning (among many other of the household chores, but that is another story). My job is flexible and this allows me to take on this responsibility. We find that our average weekly dry cleaning bill is about $18-$20. This […]

By | March 19th, 2009|fashion|12 Comments

The Importance of “Things”

With today’s economy the way it is, it is important to recognize that we as Americans need to change the way we live our lives. We need to look at the things we value, and go back to the days where family was the most important and material things were just that…THINGS! “Things” – I […]

By | March 18th, 2009|Finance|4 Comments