Pregnancy week by week

/Pregnancy week by week

Dear Pooh Bear: 13 Weeks

Dear Pooh Bear, I have decided that each week I will write you a little letter so that someday you can look back and know what your mommy was thinking about. Yesterday was our big 13 week appointment and your daddy and I got to see your adorable little face for the first time! You […]

By | June 7th, 2010|pregnancy, Pregnancy week by week|25 Comments

Pooh Bear: Week 12

Thank you all for your 12 week well wishes! Especially the ones that came to me even before this post was up! I’m sorry this is up a day late, but I was enjoying a relaxing weekend in PA with my family, and I wanted to give this post the time it deserved so I […]

By | June 1st, 2010|pregnancy, Pregnancy week by week|28 Comments

Pooh Bear: Week 11

Today marks the beginning of my 11th week of pregnancy. I can’t say that the weeks have been moving any faster, but the good news is that time is in fact moving, and we are closer to the end of this trimester. Gotta see the positives right people? Week 11 means I am just two […]

By | May 24th, 2010|first trimester, Pregnancy week by week|5 Comments