I have always known that I wanted to pump along with Breastfeeding. It really is the only way to for the mom to leave the baby for more than 3 hours. Which sometimes is necessary for sanity. What I didn’t know was how confusing I would find it. I originally thought I would start pumping…
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As you may or may not know, I have always been extremely pro breastfeeding. In my book there was no other option. Sure I was aware that it was possible that my body wouldn’t cooperate, but if it was up to me I was going to stick to it no matter how hard it was….
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Being a nursing mom it always seems that I am destined to wear the ugly, beige nursing bras that you see at all of the maternity stores out there. If I feel a little adventurous I could even buy a black one! (gasp!) But nursing mom’s don’t have to “think beige” anymore! HOTmilk Nursing Lingerie…
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I am extremely pro breastfeeding, and REALLY, REALLY REALLY (did I say REALLY?) want it to work out for me and my son. I have heard about how hard it is, and am fully aware that it doesn’t work for some, but I plan to do my darndest to make this work for me. I…
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I am really excited to learn as much as possible about being a mother BEFORE little Pooh Bear actually arrives. I know most of the lessons will be in vain, since the baby will decide for himself how he wants to behave, as well as it will take him being here to know how I…

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