Author Archives: Jen

The Greatest Show on Earth

Clowns! Popcorn! Snow Cones! Acrobats! Yes folks I am talking about the Circus! This past weekend I went with my husband and some friends to the Ringling Brother’s Barnum and Bailey Circus! The Circus as a Kid I haven’t been to the circus in years! We used to go to a smaller circus when I…


The Wonders of Crocs

I am new to the blogging world, but as I learn more and more about it I find it fascinating! I am a fan of the simple mom blog and received the new post to my e mail! This post was to commemorate her 10,000th subscriber! I couldn’t believe it. I could only dream of having…


Tax Time Blues

It is that dreaded time of year yet again…Tax time. For most, it is simple. They are W2 Employees, taxes are taken out of their paychecks each month, and tax time is just paperwork in which at the end they may get a bit of a refund. This is not the case for me, and…


For The Love Of Perfume!

Everyone has those material fetishes that make them happy. For some it is shoes, or others it is make up. For me, it is perfume! I revel in the joys of Sephora or other department stores with rows and rows of perfumes. Just walking around and spraying those perfumes on those little white sticks makes…


Man Jobs

Now I know that this is the year 2009 and women have worked hard to get equality, but I don’t care what anyone says. There are just some household jobs out there that should be left up to the man! The Perfect Man I believe this picture says it all. I am not sure men…

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