Tag Archive: about me

The Winter Blues Begin


It starts around Memorial Day….I have this feeling of such happiness that the weather is warm, but mixed with that happiness is this feeling in my gut of dread. Why? The dreaded feeling is because the warmth doesn’t last forever. Soon, the temperature will drop and I will be left with winter. The sad bitter…


This Body…


As women we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be everything to everyone. The perfect wife, the best mother, the best friend, co worker…the list goes on. One of biggest things we worry about is how other people see us, because sometimes, that is more important than how we see ourselves. But why…


Rock A Bye Baby

We all know my son is a busy little boy. Most of the time he won’t sit still and will play as long as you will let  him. But every day before naps and during feedings I get to sit in my glider and just hold him. He lays very still and just gazes up…


Ode To Coffee

For most of my life I just couldn’t understand peoples love of coffee. The taste disgusted me, and I just had no use for it. That is until about 4 years ago when I started drinking it for my wedding diet. It started by forcing myself to drink it in the morning. What started as…


Bye Bye Summer…

I dreamt of summer since the last time it was over, and now that fall has officially started I am forced to start dreaming about summer all over again. Don’t get me wrong, I still like fall, but fall leads quickly into winter and that my dear readers I am already starting to dread. I…

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