Monthly Archives: December 2010


Baby’s First Christmas

I always knew that we’d have our little boy here for Christmas, but now that it’s actually here I just can’t believe it! I can’t believe that this year we have a little child to share this special time of year with. Granted, he has ZERO clue what is going on, but I will be […]

By | December 23rd, 2010|baby|7 Comments

Dear Christian: 3 Weeks!

Dear Christian, You are 3 weeks old today little one, and you are growing more and more each day. I looked back at the pictures we took of you at the hospital, and it’s amazing how different you already look. Another amazing thing is how much I don’t get tired of holding you and looking […]

By | December 22nd, 2010|Dear Christian|2 Comments

Maternity Pictures: Capturing a Special Time!

As my pregnancy progressed and my belly grew I knew I wanted to capture this special time in my life by getting maternity pictures taken. In my opinion I will never be 30 years old and pregnant again, so I figured it was a good time to show my growing belly, so that I can […]

By | December 21st, 2010|reviews|8 Comments

My Surreal Life

Every time I look at our little boy I am in awe of the fact that he is actually ours. That for the rest of my life, this child is my son. Then I smile, and I thank God for blessing me with him, because I am reminded how lucky I truly am. My dream […]

By | December 20th, 2010|motherhood|6 Comments