Monthly Archives: April 2010


Our First Appointment

This post was written on Monday, April 26th after our first appointment with the OB. Ahhh the day has finally arrived, the day that we’ve been waiting for for weeks. It was a long time coming, with a couple of appointment changes along the way but we made it. I didn’t sleep well last night (obviously) […]

By | April 29th, 2010|pregnancy|12 Comments

Is There a Fastforward Button?

I wrote this post last week. The week before my first appointment. It’s been a VERY long couple of weeks waiting, and I just wanted to write down some of my thoughts. Sometimes in life I wish there was a fast forward button we could hit just to move things along a little quicker. Or maybe […]

By | April 28th, 2010|pregnancy|12 Comments

We Have A Bean!

Before I go any further I just want to ask that anyone I know in real life please do NOT post anything on facebook regarding what you read in this post. I wanted to share with my readers because they have been on this long journey with me. Thank you! Well dear readers I have […]

By | April 26th, 2010|miscarriage, pregnancy, TTC|60 Comments

Earth Day Should Be Every Day

  Happy Earth Day Everyone!!! A day where we are all supposed to reflect on what we as human beings are doing to protect Mother Earth. I will openly admit that I have never been the most Eco conscious person out there….not even close. But I have to pat myself on the back a little, since […]

By | April 21st, 2010|About me|15 Comments