

The New Normal: Day 5 (waves from afar, Bike Riding and a quiet St. Patricks Day)

Yesterday was a rainy St. Patrick’s Day morning. I found my son staring out our bay window crying saying how hard it was to be alone. I gave him a hug and told him how much I understood. It is hard, but as I hugged him I really wanted to tell him how thankful we […]

By | March 18th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The New Normal: Social Distancing Day3 (Start of no school for 2 weeks)

As we know the entire world is afraid of COVID-19. When I read this back someday I will remember this time and shudder. Countries are on lockdown. People are dying and sick at very high numbers and we are being told it’s coming for the United States. I don’t consider myself old, but I don’t […]

By | March 16th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments