

Sarasota vacation

Back to life…Back to reality!! Booo that’s all I have to say! Some people find that after a while they get bored on vacation, but I am not one of those people. I think I’d do very well on a permanent vacation, but since that only happens in my dreams, it’s time to get back […]

By | June 22nd, 2010|marriage, travel|13 Comments

Vacation Bound

FINALLY!!! I feel like I have been blabbing on about wanting to go on a vacation for months, and finally the time has come that I get to go on one! For months and months while TTC I was holding off on booking a vacation for Captain Awesome and I to go on, because I […]

By | June 9th, 2010|travel|6 Comments

Being Spontaneous (Or Not..)

You know how they tell you to be spontaneous before you have kids…and by spontaneous I am talking about travel. (get your head out of the gutter you dirty people you) Since last month was a bust, The Captain and I decided it might be nice to fly out for our favorite type of vacation…an […]

By | February 8th, 2010|About me, travel|21 Comments

Packing For Holiday Travel

As I write this, I have just sat down after running around like a crazy person getting packed up for my trip to Pennsylvania to be with my family for the holidays. Recently, all my trips out of town have been weekend trips, but since I will be gone from Tuesday-Sunday, with many different types […]

By | December 22nd, 2009|About me, travel|8 Comments

Know When to Hold Em…Know When to Fold Em…

This past weekend The Captain and I were lucky enough to get invited by his work to Mohegan Sun for the weekend. For those who are not familiar with the place, it is a casino. I had never been, and when the company told us it was an all expense paid trip, we jumped at the […]

By | November 9th, 2009|About me, travel|1 Comment