I sometimes wonder where time goes. I can not believe that we just celebrated the July 4th weekend! I have a sinking feeling that this summer is going to fly by, and I am pretty sad about that. Summer brings out all of my favorite things and as sad as it is, once we hit…
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Ahhh the Fourth of July! A day that calls for BBQ’s and beer for the entire country. What a wonderful day to sit back and think about how great it is to be an American. I never truly celebrated the day until I started dating my husband. His family throws a HUGE party on the…
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A little while back I was very hesitant about the line of Vera Bradley Products. At first glance the patterns were very bold and busy, and it just wasn’t my style. My sister loved the bags and started collecting a bunch of items in the same pattern. She was a fan of the Cambridge Pattern….
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It’s Wifey Wednesday over at To Love Honor and Vacuum. I was excited to participate in this weeks discussion since I follow this blog regularly. All over the internet and TV we hear about Stay at home moms. These wonderful women work hard to keep their family together by raising the children and keeping the…
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Does anyone remember back in the day when the popular purses were those little wallet type ones? The ones that pretty much held some cash, credit cards and maybe a lipstick? I remember it well. I remember at that time my mom had a large purse and we would laugh at how “uncool” she was…

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